The Tcl package contains the Tool Command Language.
This package and the next two (Expect and DejaGNU) are installed to support running the test suites for GCC and Binutils. Installing three packages for testing purposes may seem excessive, but it is very reassuring, if not essential, to know that the most important tools are working properly.
First, fix a syntax error in the configure script:
cd unix sed -i "s/relid'/relid/" configure
We need to change the default lib path to lib64:
sed -i 's@\$(prefix)/lib@\$(prefix)/lib64@g'
Prepare Tcl for compilation:
CC="gcc ${BUILD64}" ./configure --prefix=/tools --libdir=/tools/lib64
Build the package:
Install the package:
make install
Tcl's private headers files are needed for the next package, Expect. Install them into /tools:
make install-private-headers
Now make a necessary symbolic link:
ln -sv tclsh8.4 /tools/bin/tclsh